Our Businesses:

Our Businesses: Special Affairs Catering ( Wedding Cakes and Other Goodies ! ) and Dolly's Seasonings Inc., the home of "Dolly's Seasoned Salt "

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Best Wishes ...... and A Recipe ..... For You !

Happy Birthday Harry Houdini !!!!!

Wait, wasn't he just here ?

Three large pieces white bread — buttered. Cut in quarters, and line an enamel pie dish with same. Prepare custard of two eggs, one cup granulated sugar, one quart of milk.
Pour custard over bread and butter, and bake it in moderate oven forty-five minutes.
“I happen to have a weakness for sweets, and this one you will not find in any other cook book.”
– Sincerely yours,
Harry Houdini

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Recipe ..... For You !

Bavarian Crepes

2 eggs

1 cup buttermilk

3/4 cup flour

2 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

2 tablespoons butter, melted

Cherry Filling (see below)

1 cup sour cream 1 oz. semi-sweet chocolate, grated

Cherry Filling: 2 cans sweet dark pitted cherries (16 oz. ea.)

1 cup powdered sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1/2 cup almond flavored liqueur

1 cup sour cream

1 oz. semisweet chocolate, grated
In a medium bowl, beat eggs slightly. Add buttermilk. Beat with a whisk or with electric mixer on low speed until just blended. Add flour, sugar and cocoa, beating with whisk or with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Beat in melted butter. Let batter stand about 1/2 hour at room temperature. If kept longer before cooking, refrigerate. Stir batter with a spoon. Cook crepes on upside down crepe griddle or in traditional crepe or omelet pan. As each crepe is cooked, stack in a covered dish or pan to keep warm and moist. Prepare Cherry Filling. Spoon onto warm cooked crepes. Fold sides over filling, envelope style. Spoon sour cream on top. Sprinkle with grated chocolate. Serve at once. Makes 14-16 servings.

Cherry Filling: Drain cherries, reserving 1/3 cup juice. In a medium pan, combine powdered sugar and cornstarch. Stir in liqueur and reserved cherry juice. Add drained cherries. Stir constantly over moderate heat until slightly thickened. You can also top woth Neutells or Chocolate Sauce !
Yum !!!!!



Best Wishes !

Happy "National Bavarian Crepe Day !"  Everyone !

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Recomendation ..... For You !

I met a great guy today who does personal Chef Catering and is a sweetheart of a guy who has a great website.  He is Jim Keithley of our local Cannel 8 News.  If you are in Portland and need a caterer call him !  Keithleyinthekitchen.com.

Enjoy !

Best Wishes !

Happy "National Ravioli Day !"  Everyone !

Saturday, March 17, 2012



A Recomendation ..... For You!

Everyone who knows me, well knows what a taco snob I am.  Happiness abounds when you walk into a beautiful dining spot called TACO ESCOBARR !  There is nothing more I can say but I have found Heaven in Portland Maine.  Today I had the Carne Assada in a puffed shell and let me just say, as my mentor Julia Child once said, "Diet Food is only edible while you are waiting for your steak to cook !" The Carne Assada here at Taco Escobarr is worth breaking your diet. And, I am not saying that they are fattening, they are just so good you'll want to eat them until you die. All I can say is Que Bueno ! Now I am a taco snob and that doesn't compute to some folks who will see me sneaking a taco from Taco Belle, ( Secretly yummy ! ) however when my snobiness comes out the only place to go is Taco Escobarr !!!

Deluxe !

Thursday, March 15, 2012





Good News !

The Taste of Maine Restaurant opened today !  Good news for all!  And, if you want a "Taste of Maine" you gotta go there !  There are as many people who have opinions on whose Lobster Roll is the best as there are lobsters in the sea. There's is great. And, the rest of their fare is deluxe too. Their Lobster roll is made correctly. Cold Lobster meat ( sorry to that place in the Cape that servres the lobster meat hot, a no no ! ), a properly toasted Nissen Hot Dog Bun, cold mayo and a spot of lettuce if you must.  No bacon, though I LOVE bacon, no blue cheese or any cheese, just pure heaven, LOBSTER AND MAYO.  A traditional lobster roll has nothing else.  And, it has to be a Nissen bun, a top loader. You can't grill a side loader.  You can cut them in half to make minis for cocktail ( A lot easier than making homemade, TRUST ME !) but if you can't grill it it aint a Maine Lobster roll. So, go to The Taste of Maine, enjoy the view and their Maine Shrimps, or even better, a lobster roll.  Yum !!!!!


Best Wishes !

Happy "Daffodil Days !"  Everyone !!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Best Wishes !!!!

Happy "National Potatoe Chip Day !" Everyone !!!!!