Our Businesses:

Our Businesses: Special Affairs Catering ( Wedding Cakes and Other Goodies ! ) and Dolly's Seasonings Inc., the home of "Dolly's Seasoned Salt "

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Story !

Out of all the crazy stories that we have told folks one of the funniest, at least to me is the mud encrusted porta-potty.  We got our hands on one of the tightest bride-to-be that ever lived. And I mean tight, tighter than two coats of paint.  I could not blame her though she did work my nerves trying to get my low prices lower.  The botanical garden in Dallas was expensive to rent, pretty as it is.  This was a November and the rental house was in remodel mode. One thing that I insisted on was that all of my staff show up dressed for work. Yes, I provided aprons and allowed sneakers to replace black shoes when it was messy out. This bride was heading towards the Bridezilla faze until I finally cracked.  I offered her the opportunity to use the Camp House though in remodel mode but she had to use the out door facilities as the interior loos were being remodeled.  That was fine with the bride though the groom was not that happy so I said that it was up to them. The whiny bride won out and the groomsmen had to use either a closet in the kitchen or the out house!  It was OKAY that some of my staff showed up in jeans and tennis shoes this day as it was real muddy.  Stuck in the mud the men arrived, one by one changing in the our door potty. Furious at his bride the best man decided to ignore her request and decided to change in the kitchen closet.  Her Ire was up and the men were marched out to the out house - oops, one of my staff members was in there changing. Porta-potty on it's side, embarrassed Paul and crew and a stuck potty. That is when I decided to learn to just say no !!!  Luckily my carver had no problem being seen in his tighty whities !!!  But that did cost me plenty.  Overtime pay - Yikes !!!!!

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